wtorek, 10 lutego 2015

Schedule - plan dnia

Jak na razie w teorii :]

6.30 AM to 7.30 AM Get C ready for school.
1h 30min
9.00 AM to 10.00 AM Help to bathe babies  
4h 45min
2.45 PM to 6.00 PM Collect C from school and then reading, art, play
6.00 PM to 6.30 PM Assist in preparing evening meal for children.
6.30 PM to 8.00 PM Help C tidy room, bathe her, brush teeth. Get her ready for bed. Read with her .
Total: 7.15 hours

6.15 AM to 7.15 AM Get C ready for school. 
2h 15min
9.30 AM to 11.30 AM Assist Mom get twins into car. Accompany Mom during grocery shopping. Assist getting grocery shopping from car into refrigerator and cupboards.
11.30 AM to 2.45 PM Supervise babies while Mom does house work.
2.45 PM to 6.00 PM Collect C from school and then reading, art, play
Total: 9.30 hours

6.15 AM to 7.15 AM Get C ready for school.
1h 45min
9.00 AM to 10.00 AM Help to bathe babies
10.00 AM to 12.00 PM Do childrens' laundry.
2h 45min
2.45 PM to 6.00 PM Collect C from school and then reading, art, play
6.00 PM to 6.30 PM Assist in preparing evening meal for children
6.30 PM to 8.00 PM Help C tidy room, bathe her, brush teeth. Get her ready for bed. Read with her .
Total: 9.15 hours

6.15 AM to 7.15 AM Get C ready for school.
1h 45min
9.00 AM to 10.00 AM Help to bathe babies
4h 45min
2.45 PM to 6.00 PM Collect C from school and then reading, art, play
6.00 PM to 8.00 PM Take C to Daisy Scouts group.
Total: 7.15 hours

6.15 AM to 7.15 AM Get C ready for school.
2h 15min
9.30 AM to 11.30 AM Assist Mom get twins into car. Accompany Mom during grocery shopping. Assist getting grocery shopping from car into refrigerator and cupboards.
1h 45min
1.15 PM to 2.45 PM Supervise babies while Mom does house work.
2.45 PM to 6.00 PM Collect C from school and then reading, art, play
Total: 7.45 hours

8.00 AM to 8.45 AM Dress, breakfast and brush teeth of C.
8.45 AM to 10.30 AM Take C to Ballet class.
10.30 AM to 12.00 PM Take C to McDonalds for playdate with friend,
Total: 4.0 hours

  • Zawsze znajdę czas aby wyskoczyć na: siłownie, shoping, relaks w parku itd. 
  • Wieczorami odpoczynek: spanie!
  • Weekendy: kurs angielskiego, zwiedzanie okolicy, czas dla znajomych.

PS. Taka mała formalność - podpisać BHP pracy.

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